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Monday, 8 March 2010

Plot progresses as Chelsea Flower Show approaches!

So...thanks to the skill and generosity of fellow allotmenteers, the roof is mended by a surveyor (obviously), W put the guttering up, the current water butt is a neighbour's discarded dustbin. Round at the front, bulbs and plants all transported from previous plot, shallot and onion sets planted and netted, broad bean seedlings still on window ledge at home. Lavender hedge will hide the compost heap and incinerator.
Pot Luck: A few potatoes in bottomless black container also behind lavender.

I've decided my deadline for getting the plot decently shipshape is the Chelsea Flower Show - talking of which, for tickets or details, check it out on
or call 0844 209 0357
I'm hoping to get lots of ideas for creative planting and design!

The Plot Deepens

Hot news from the plot. I'm abandoning my perfectly formed half-plot for a whole one which already has its own hut (castle to me) with view of a Palace. How many of you can boast that? It may not look of bother with the roof, the grounds have an air of abandonment, but watch this blog and see what a spot of TLC can achieve in a few months.